This blog is dedicated to my Grandma. We are very Best Friends!
She is 83. My dad prints off each entry and delivers it to her that very day.
She keeps them in a 3-ring binder and calls me everyday to talk about it.
So if you're sick of seeing so many pictures of us--my apologies--they're
for Grandma's viewing pleasure. Of course, all our family lives in distant lands
and appreciates the regular updates. Grandma Kip is now in South Africa.
My mom is currently in Seattle where she and my aunt have been for the last month +.
They are identical twins. My aunt has multiple myeloma. Three weeks ago my mom
donated her stem cells to my aunt. Auntie has begun the process of engrafting,
indicating that her body is producing new blood cells, which is good news,
however, she was recently admitted to ICU because of some complications.
We miss them and hope that they'll be returning sooner than later,
healthy and well! Love you Mom!!
featuring the
UC Davis Marching Band-Uh

Oh my gosh, I think I might cry, I miss Davis so! We miss all our little friends and wonderful neighbors. Sniff sniff. Nothing that cool comes to our part of town. Glad you all had fun, though. =)
I LOVE ALL THE PICTURES AND STORIES YOU WRITE!!! The boys are so cute and so lucky to have such GREAT PARENTS!
Hey, I have an idea! How hard would it be for Grandma to get copies of your blog for me? I would love to start my own book. I love that you always know how to REALLY have fun. And to do it with so little money. That is SOOOOOOOOOOO Neat!!!!!!
Love you much, Mom
p.s. Auntie is out of ICU again and doing a little better. Each day is a new day and we have learned to take one at a time.
I love the Band-Uh
Looks like everybody had a great time on Halloween!! We still have a bowl full of candy because nobody came by trick or treating. I thought we would at least get one family. But we do live in a very queit neighborhood on a very quiet island.
Again, your costumes are great. Gotta love the western theme. I think I went as a cowboy every other Halloween growing up. I don't know what it is about that costume that just feels right. I guess it is the repressed rancher genes in the Nilsson blood trying to get out.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your Auntie, as well as your mom, Cheryl. Please keep us updated.
We had a great time last night...Sara and I made a road trip into Miami to catch one of our favorite musicians, Brett Dennen ( He is from out there in CA, so he plays there all the time. I highly recommend rewarding yourself some evening by attending a show. People here are so backwards that hardly anyone showed up (not a huge name yet, I guess)...too bad for them. Sara and I are probably going to fly up to Baltimore to catch him again when he opens for Ziggy Marley...a show that will probably be one of the best ever in the history of concerts.
Savannah had her fist sleep over away from home, and did just fine. Sara and I were glad to have a date night to ourselves...
Talk to you soon.
sad i wasn't there to celebrate with you, the boys, and the ucd band. too many toxic meltdowns from the kiddos. let's hang out soon, though, okay?
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