
Good Boy with Good Habits

You too can have a Good Boy (or Gal) with Good Habits. This has worked wonders for our morning routine (not quite as crafty as these that a friend of mine has done but PERFECT for me since I'm not, well, crafty). It's so simple. Jaden says, "Mom, can I go outside and ride my bike?" Mom says, "Sure, sounds great, let's just check your chart to make sure you're ready." If the chores aren't done, Jaden scurries around the house, brushing his teeth, making his bed, tidying his room, putting clothes in the laundry basket, getting dressed, etc. returning to turn the knobs as he completes each one. You can even personalize it with your own chores if there isn't a pre-made sticker. This morning, all on his own, he drew an adorable picture on his ball, then said, "My homework's done," and disappeared to go turn the knob from "Finish Homework" to "Thank You!" Later, he walked in with a tablet of paper with one letter written on each sheet and said, "Did Something Nice without Being Asked," disappearing once again to turn the knob to, "You're Great!"

Just go to darlybird.com to get your
Good Habits chart!
darlybird, is my great gal pal Rachel's own on-line business with
The Cutest, most Funky, Fun and Adorable

Here is a quick list of some of My Fav. Items, you can click on each one to see it for yourself:
... okay, really everything so just go explore it all!!


Rachel said...

cheryl--jon had checked this before i did and actually said, "I saw the good habits chart on cheryl's blog." hilarious! thanks for the plug!! and now i think i have to inaugurate a good habits chart of my own! (for myself & leah!)

HornInFBb said...

I really like that chart! and lots of other cute Darlybird stuff. But when we're in need of a chore chart, now I know where to turn!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Now I wish I'd taken better pictures of my charts you linked to! The good habits chart looks great - and it sounds like it's working! It's a great idea - it seems that giving praise can be one of the first things to go when trying to get our kids to just get something done!!! Thanks for the reminder!

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.