
What's Grosser Than Gross?

(To more fully understand the reason for this post, please see the previous one)

Grosser Than Gross

While living in Bakersfield, during school breaks (spring/summer), I took care of my sister's four kids ages: 3, 5, 10 and 12. Jaden was 2. We never stayed home. We embarked on great adventures everyday, including water parks, children's museums, regular parks, other places that donned water features and on occasion grocery stores or...dum, da dum dum..... ....COSTCO!!! This was one such day. I decided to make it easy (?) on myself by also getting lunch there so we loaded up on the hot dogs, pizza and churros. To top off our meal (and keep the kids occupied) in true Costco fashion, we hit all the Free Samples along the way, which included Shrek Gogurts (green yogurt, of course). To keep a better handle on this situation, Jaden, the 2 year old and the 3 year old rode up front in the basket and the 5 year old was IN the basket amongst the goods. Easter was just around the corner, so I'd picked up an Easter basket along with a couple of outfits for baby gifts and then all my routine items--we were loaded. As we made our way to check out, my niece, the 12 year old, wanted to peruse the music section so the kids and I slowly meandered down the isles and told her to catch up. We had just turned down a new isle when all of a sudden, I heard a man yelling, "Your baby is spitting up!" Knowing that I did not have a "baby" in my cart, I turned my attention to see who he was talking to. First of all, it was NOT a baby but my 3 year old nephew and SPIT UP?!!!! That was the understatement of the year. It was full on, heaving and PUKING AND it was GREEN, thanks to that delicious Shrek Gogurt!! What do you do? I ran over, put my hands out and tried my best to catch it...until I realized I had absolutely nowhere to put it so I ditched that plan, threw it on the ground and stood him up in the cart to take him out. At which point, he began puking ON TOP of Jaden's head!! Once Jaden realized what had just happened, he did exactly what any of us would do in that situation, starts gagging, followed by his lunch AND the Shrek Gogurt. As I'm trying to finagle him out of the cart in an attempt to salvage as much of the stuff as I can, I look into the basket and see the look of horror on the 5 year olds face. I tell him to just turn his head and as I'm rushing over to rescue him, HE STARTS IN!!! And folks we ARE NOT talking a little "spit up." I mean, you can imagine what this scene would do to anyone. You should have seen the glimpses I caught of the horrified looks on people's faces. Obviously no one stopped and kept a very safe distance. One Costco employee was kind enough to THROW a roll of paper towels to me as he RAN past the isle, never slowing down. I mopped up the floor with the paper towels as best as I could and we got out of there as fast as we possibly could!!!! I stripped the kids down, threw them in the car and never looked back...for 3 months or more. It took a long while before that scar healed!!


Kristy said...

I snooped over from Renee's blog and am glad I did.

Those embarrasing moments of mortification will one day become our fondest memories.

Right? I hope so, because I'm still thinking about that time I chased my kid around the airport whilst a seat cover was hanging out of the back of my pants.

HornInFBb said...

wow, I'm laughing out loud here.

LollyGirl said...


Funny, in my mind I don't really consider that one of my "embarassing moments" for some weird reason--I definitely should. I think I was too caught up in the action to really be embarassed. I was more mortified at the entire scene.

Yeah, your story is pretty bad. At what point did you discover it? Please don't tell me that someone had to tell you?

Thanks for checking out our blog!! Your family is beautiful!

Bloggers---Let's hear some other "most embarassing moments."

Anonymous said...

I am dying here just reliving that precious memory. You truly need to pen a book and share these moments with the world. I am telling you, without a doubt, this is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I love to read your funny stories.Keep em going. I am laughing my head off!Ixchelle

My Many Coloured Days said...

I am seriously CRYING here!!!! Gosh, Cheryl - it seems like you could write a book! Or you should at least send these in to some parenting mag for a few bucks!!!

Ashley said...

I probably would have started puking with the rest of them if I had been there. I guess I haven't been a mom long enough to have too many of these experiences! I think I have forgotten my most embarrassing or horrific moments - so I don't think they were that bad!

HornInFBb said...

i did throw up on a classmate once.
7th grade, I just got sick out of the blue and she shared my table.

Rachel said...

you told me this story a long time ago, and although i've never forgotten it, i still can't believe that all 3 kids were vomitting! aye, aye, aye. i think i would have slinked out to my car and started bawling.

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.