

While playing at the playground today, one of our friends comes rushing up to us suggesting we gather our kids and head inside. She was just getting home and saw a caravan of police cars and a black SUV (not a good sign) speeding around Solano Park circle. Luckily, Micah was outside with me and helped me herd the kids into the house. Upon entering the house, however, we were faced with an even more frightening scene: through our sliding glass door, across the grass were about 10 SWAT team members crouched in the breezeway, sawed off shotguns in hand, pointing directly toward our house. I hurried the kids into the bedroom and decided it would be a good time for us to all lie down on the floor and relax for a bit until we knew no bullets would be whizzing through the air. The next thing we heard was loud pounding on a door and them yelling, "Police! Open the door!...Let me see your hands, let me see your hands NOW."

We didn't hear anymore yelling after that and when we looked out our window, the guy was being escorted to the police car in handcuffs--Jaden's eyes were as big as saucers. We knew that a guy who visits his wife or girlfriend and their son two doors down was wanted for a hate crime, apparently he's part of the clan. Police officers showed up at our neighbor's door a few months ago and asked her to call if she ever saw him. Sadly (or not?) both the wife and son were there today.

We assured Jaden that the policemen were doing their job to keep us safe. Of course he had questions about what the bad guy had done and we gently explained that he had been mean and hurt someone. Jaden seemed at ease and was then ready to go the the UC Davis soccer game with Micah and Beckam. Although at bedtime, he didn't forget to include in his prayers for "no robbers to come tonight...or in the day...or to Solano Park Circle." I think he covered it.


Rachel said...

cheryl--i think i would have died from a massive heart attack had that been at my house. oh my golly goodness!

i was just going to say wednesday was great, but then I realized that leah has preschool until 3:30. maybe we should have you all up for dinner next week?

HornInFBb said...


Savannah Sombrita Del Mar said...
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Savannah Sombrita Del Mar said...

That sounds scary. I am glad everything worked out. I remember one time at Oceano Dunes, while paying paintball enhanced capture the flag with the mutual group, someone called the swat team thinking we were terrorists...(a group of 14-15 year old terrorists, I guess). They surrounded us silently in their trucks before simutaneously throwing on the spot lights and sirens...It went down just like you would see on "Cops"...faces in the sand, hands on the head and shot guns to the back of the head, yelling and swearing and causing a huge scene.
They figured out we were harmless pretty quick, but they did confiscate all our paintball guns, telling us that they were projectiles, and therefor weapons. I suppose they were just doing their jobs, but they were such jerks. Those are my fond memories of the swat team.
Savannah can't wait to meet Jaden and Beckam. We will send more pictures very soon.

Phoebe said...

I knew it! There had to be something bad happen in that town. Otherwise it is just too idyllic!

The Duke said...


“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.