

jaden comes running in the house upon returning from church after being told to come inside to change clothes to get ready for our picnic and exclaims,
"mom! I started to stay outside to play but then I remembered...EXACTNESS...and I ran right inside."
!! may he always remember exactness.
AND, in reflecting on his recent field-trip to the library and getting to see behind the scenes of the book return, he said, "that was such a great opportunity."

as beckam is walking out of the house on his way to our picnic with his ovaltine, he says, "I going drink my coffee outside."
you know, since that's a drink of choice in our house--WHAT?! where do they come up with these things?! oh yeah, from my family. he's also been heard from the backseat calling, "I want my starbucks." ever tried their strawberry creams? he knows what's good.


cchrissyy said...

exactness, huh? :)

Nicole said...

Kids say the cutiest things...Sometimes I wonder who learns more, me or the kids.

I guess I should have asked if I could add you to my page. Of course you can add me. :)Thanks for asking. Can I add you?

Mandee said...

I love it! I also noticed that you are reading Poisonwood Bible- I read that 8 years ago, and loved it. I need to read it again! Love her books!

Rachel said...

these are so freakin' hilarious! i love that little beckam with his coffee! and jaden with exactness? where did he learn that?

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.