and there is another jaden m. n. in his class?!
(we talked about how he might need to initiate play with other kids since he's new and kids sometimes have a hard time noticing the new kids when they're busy)
this is his report:
he asked a group of 3 kids if he could play tether ball with them. since it was 2 on 1 he thought he could even the teams out. they said no. it broke my heart. i can't even explain the sadness this brought my soul. when i told micah this evening he said, "i want to go play tether ball with him!"
he wrote a note to a boy in his class asking him if he wanted to play with him. the kid wouldn't accept his note. my heart is in pieces. jaden sneaked (snuke?) the note into his backpack. today, the boy thanked him for the note and said he would like to play. but they didn't.
he tried. he'll have to try again and again. it builds character right? right?!
I want to give Jaden a hug
You have always reminded me a little of my sister and Jaden reminds me a little of her son. She wrote a sweet letter to him on his first day of school and it reminded me of this story!
Oh! I cannot stand it! I already dread that for my kids and they haven't even gotten close to going to school. But I know I will cry! Jaden is so cute.
So frustrating as a parent!
I didn't realize that Jaden was a a new school.
that's so sad for Jaden. He's so sweet! Who wouldn't want to play with him??
I also found out about the crash from Kelly's blog(which I learned about from you long ago). That news, coupled with a few other recent tragedies, have thrown me. I have been inspired and have honestly been better with my kids these past few weeks. I was just talking to Brian last night about our plan if something were to happen to us. I'm glad to know my family would be as wonderful to my kids as Nie's family has been to hers.
Please, send Jaden to Davin's school. He would love another fun, active, sweet boy to be his friend. (When I am wanting Davin to feel extra loved at school, I send a special treat + note in his lunch bag. That seems to help a little.)
Poor little guy. That can be so difficult and you just want to fix it all for them, but they gotta do it on their own, it's so hard! It sounds like you are a great mom and he will be just fine. I've never even met Jaden, but you can hug him for me. :)
My son Caden is going through the same thing right now. I just want to go up to the kids and say, Play with him!! I guess they'll be stronger people from going through this? Lisa Race
lol I commented on the blog below this one! I have lots of stories similar to this. sometimes I think girls can be so mean, I did not realize that boys go through the same thing.
but he is so cute! seriously why do kids have to be mean. hopefully he will find a buddy soon.
lily is also at a new school...i asked her who she plays with at recess? she said by herself...i am not sure if that choice is voluntary or not.
hopefully within a couple weeks they are not so new to the school anymore and have friends to play with.
oh my, haven't we all been there? I still remember Westin coming home in kindergarten and looking so sad when a kid told him the picture he drew looked like poop. my heart was broken for a week just thinking I couldn't be there to tell him it looked amazing as I'd done so many times before. Welcome to the world little one!
ps. can i play tether ball too?
pss. the word you were looking for is snuck not snuke or sneaked. (once a big sister ALWAYS a big sister!!) Love you guys and give Jayden an extra hug from auntie shelli. that breaks my heart.
OUCH!! By the time this is posted I know that Jaden will haven won over everyones hearts at school and this will all be a small lesson to remind Jaden how to be a good friend to "new comers". Does he want to come back to NDE? Parker tells me that he now has a huge "posse" there and I am certain they would take J under their wing!
i think the kids are intimidated by jaden they see challenge. he's such a creative child. love him.
He looks just like Micah, I mean exactly. Like really, I'm not kidding.
Oh Cheryl! I've been feeling so similar! Mitch just started kindergarten, and of course he didn't know anyone either. He keeps talking about this boy, Nash, and says that sometimes they play together and he's nice, but sometimes he'll say he didn't play with anyone, and I'll ask why, and he'll say, "'Cause no one asked me to play." I told him the same thing, to try to ask someone to play with him and not always depend on other people asking him (advice that is so much easier to give than to actually do myself!). Then he will tell me of this boy, Daniel (that I am having very un-Christian feelings toward right now, and I have to keep reminding myself that he's only 5...) who keeps kicking him and I just think, "WHY? Why are you doing this to my son? He's such a sweetheart!" And of course, all my dreams lately take me back to my school days and I'm hating it! Can't I just protect my kids forever??
I hope things get better for Jaden. Nobody deserves to be treated like that, and Jaden is such a great guy. He didn't even care that he didn't know Mitch that first time they met, they just went off and played together. Why can't everyone be so giving?
Those stories make me want to cry. You spend years being protective and supportive and encouraging and then your heart gets broken for them on the first day...I can't stand the thought! I know Jaden will work it out but it probably makes you wonder if you should just start a homeschool co-op... you know, where everyone gets to play tether ball!
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