
nie thursday and friday

  • from the grill: salmon w/ soy sauce and ginger glaze, fresh asparagus, red pepper and pineapple
  • passion....'nuff said
  • yoga
  • made a conscience effort to appreciate my time with my children all week (admired my baby in my arms during each feeding, read "one more book," laid down with them upon each request, etc.)
asher, 10 months--LOVE those curls!
  • filled the pool (and water balloons) and watched them play and play and play


Alycat said...

Asher is so cute!! I LOVE his hair.
Thanks for calling the other day. I appreciate your advice!

melissa said...

Asher has gotten so big- it seems like we saw you just the other day (that was June though, wasn't it?!)! I almost didn't recognize him with all that hair... and those curls!!! Now why don't my kids have those?!

Alissa said...

jaden looks so grown up! very handsome. It is hard being a mom sometimes cuz you don't want your kids to get their feelings hurt and it is hard not to get emotional. but i think jaden will be ok he has a great personality and is one tough kid! Tons of spirit that will be hard to be broken
Miss you guys lol

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.