
oh and...

when i came home yesterday from a full day of errands, kip announced, "i'm just cooking away in your kitchen and i love it!" she had a pot of hamburger stew on and the dough for rolls were rising!! everyone who sees my kitchen is so happy for me and comments that it's as big as all the kitchens i've ever had combined, which isn't saying too much if you've ever seen any of our kitchens. they've all been about the same tiny size. "two-butt kitchens" as my mother liked to call them! then darron, sandee and family arrive with all the fixins for chocolate chip cookies that she promptly began baking!! how could life get any better than that?! well my sisters and i are starting a dinner co-op this week, too, which is pretty exciting as well. you know since we all live within 5 blocks of each other. i will cook dinner 2 nights a week and then we'll be fed 3 nights a week! can't wait to see how it works out!!


Ben and Shara said...

Oh I like the co-op idea. let us know how it works.

Ben and Shara said...

every once in a while the welch family will get together and bake and cook and everyone will take home 5 dinners in their own dishes to put in the freezer or eat that week. That has worked out well. The hard part is finding a place for the kids to be while the cooking gets done.

Good luck.

Jaime said...

It's good to see you posting again! It sounds like everything is going so great. It's so nice to be around family.

The dinner co-op sounds great!

kiddle97 said...

AH! You are making me so jealous! So close to your sisters AND only having to cook a couple of nights a week? Hot dang woman!

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.