
April Fools Fun

Our family takes April Fool's Day pretty seriously. I'm glad they do, it is an important and distinguished holiday.

In a nutshell:

My dad and sister tried to trick me into believing that he was dating a 29 year old woman that was very appreciative of my dad's financial generosity. Amy did a GREAT job of being believably concerned about it. I actually didn't realize she was in on it - I thought my dad was just trying to trick us both.

As payback, I called my mom (serving a mission in South Africa) and then conference called my sister. I kept quite so my sister only thought she was talking to my mom. My sister didn't pick up the first call, so my mom left a message detailing how there was some risk of military action in South Africa and all the missionaries were being removed as a precaution. My mom and her companion were able to either come to a state-side temple or come home. My sister was pretty quick in calling the prank - but she was most surprised that I was in on it.

That was just the beginning.

Once Amy was a part of it, and now that we had my mom's message on the machine. We called all of our siblings and our dad to further perpetuate this April First Fun. We didn't get a hold of two brothers (probably wisely screening their calls) and our sister-in-law answered by saying: "whatever it is we don't believe it." Indeed she didn't buy it - although she did say it was a great attempt after hearing the message from my mom.

The brother I did get a hold of was quite convinced - although he brilliantly inserted his own little lie to quickly flush out whether it was a prank. After a few conversations about it (and without having heard the tape yet) he said that he had told his cousin who told his dad who was calling the Church office because he was so concerned. Nice job Myron. Way to flush out the prank.

My dad was equally suspicious at first, but upon hearing the tape he fell for it hook, line, and sinker. This was most rewarding considering my dad's history of pranks (see below). The best part was when he was looking for the news on the web and I told him I'd found some information on it at www.aprlfls.com - gradually adding more vowels until it was abundantly clear that he had been April FOOLED.

Notable Past Pranks:

My dad made a tape with a delayed start. On the tape was the sound of broken glass and the sounds of someone breaking into the house. When he and my mom went to bed he started the tape and turned the volume up. Not too long later my mom hears the sound of breaking glass and excitedly tries to get my dad to go downstairs because someone's breaking in. My dad cowered under the covers and refused to go down. My mom got so mad at this "chicken" behavior and finally went down on her own - after pounding on my dad as subtle coercion to take care of things - which was unsuccessful.
Lolly would kill me if I tried something like this.

While on her mission, my sister wrote a letter telling us that she was being transfered from New York Spanish speaking to the Salt Lake City Temple Visitor's Center. Before my mom even finished the letter (in which the April Fool's disclaimer was subtly expressed) she called the Bishop and others, very sad about the transfer. This is one of the reasons why this years Payback was so enjoyable.

While at Ricks College, some friends and I switched the living room and dining room furniture between two apartments (and much of their kitchenware) while they were sleeping. We also tied the doorhandles shut in a dorm hall (with facing doorhandles) and lined up all the vacuum cleaners from the entire building in their hall and turned them on.

While on my mission, I sent my zone on an early morning wild-goose hunt walking from chapel to chapel only to find another note saying the meeting got changed to another location. The end result was, of course, no meeting but what was hopefully a motivating activity/lesson (not the prank, the banana splits).

Once we called my mom on her way from California to Salt Lake for General Conference and told her that conference was canceled due to a terrorist threat.

Oh so many more . . . . Like my sister said: We're going to have to assign different days to celebrate this dignified holiday. Then we'd have to keep track of which days were allowable prank days from the different people. This would spice things up even more.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, these posts can get long - sorry. I neglected to mention that Lolly told some friends that she was having twins and of course, the many little pranks by Jaden, such as, "oh no dad, there is a spider on your lip."
~ Micah

Anonymous said...

Brielle told me several April fools jokes. I believed everyone of them. I thought and imagined president Hinckley or one of the speakers at conferencee telling us one. Ixchelle

sandeebeaches said...

Twins-- how exciting. As long as they are girls!!!!

Lisa said...

Just came to your site to check up on you and read this April Fools one. I love it! I'm big into April Fools jokes too, but feel like I'm running out of ideas, thanks for the inspiration! Hope all is going well for you guys!
--Lisa Martin

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.