Awaiting the arrival of something I've ordered is torturous for me. I check the tracking information daily and just hope it will come early. It doesn't matter how big or small, significant or not, I'm just impatient and perhaps impuslive...and want things NOW.
Today, I scored. Two things in one day.
We've been using one of the Calder's helmets for Beckam since their little guy wasn't quite ready for it but then they moved to Maryland so we had to give it back.
That put us in the market for a new helmet. There are some advantages to being the oldest: Jaden gets the new helmet and Beckam gets Jaden's old one, which isn't too shabby. We're pretty fanatic about the fit of our kid's safety gear and the old helmet is a PERFECT fit (with the adjustable clasp to secure around the back of the head) but Jaden really likes the skate helmets that kids are using for bike helmets. I was a little apprehensive because I wanted to be sure these skate helmets were safe enough for bike riding, too.
Our neighbor has a very cool bike/skate helmet that fits Jaden great and both of our boys love to wear it. Since we didn't recognize the brand and had no idea where to find it (they got their's out of the freebie bin in the laundry room), we picked one similar to it from WalMart. No luck. The fit was pathetic and slid back and forth and all over his head. So we took it back and checked some others out at the skate shop in town to no avail.
Well leave it to the trustee internet! We found our neighbors very helmet on-line and it was actually advertised as a bike helmet!! The key is making sure helmets comply with CPSC Safety Standards, which it did!! Jaden picked it out himself and we've been anxiously awaiting it's arrival all the way from

The other surprise was the bottle of OH! de Moschino perfume. When I was at my sister's house last, I sampled this scent and after spraying it I let out some kind of hoot and holler because I loved it so much. Today, it arrived in the mail. My husband is such a sweetheart and loves me so much!! Thank You, Micah! I LOVE you, too!
We are in the middle of helmet swapping as well! The biggest problem is that my kids have GINORMOUS heads. Henry has been wearing a "Skating "helmet for a year or so now because it was the only one we could find that fit his large noggin. I think they're cute.
How's Jaden liking Kindergarten? Did you switch to Spanish Immersion?
Nope, we didn't switch all though he did get in to both morning and afternoon sessions. We loved the situation at North Davis so much that we weren't too anxious to change everything. We also decided that since Jaden is younger, the language component might prove to be a bigger challenge this year and perhaps doing spanish immersion kindergarten next year would be the best alternative. His teachers say he's doing awesome though. I think he's trying really hard.
I imagine Henry is loving it? Your family seems to be transitioning well!
Your blog came just in time. We bought Davin's bike tonight (his Christmas present) and are looking for the perfect helmet to go with it. Something tells me he won't want one with Finding Nemo on it. I'll have to go to that website. In case your amazed at what a great early shopper I am- I have a goal to be almost done Christmas shopping by the time the babe gets here. 6 1/2 more weeks!!
P.S. I know you know the Fair is here- TOMORROW!!!!!!!! I'm elated. Please tell me when your coming down. I know the basque booth is calling out to you. I'll stick with my nachos.
skinner family--
I'll be there Friday!! Fair on Sat., come home on Sun. Kindergarten is a pain for traveling--no more week long vacations on a wim! :(
When are you working the boy scout booth? When are you going to the fair for fun?
Am an totally impressed with your Christmas shopping goal! I could never hold out that long with gifts. I always figure that could be getting use out of it NOW rather than waiting until later.
Are the rest of you laughing that I return to Bakersfield every year for the Kern County Fair (nevermind that that the California STATE Fair just ended in Sacramento and we weren't even tempted).
hilarious about the fair, cheryl. i always remember that about you. you've almost got me wanting to go see what's so great about it.
when's your mary kay party? i'm already looking forward to another girls night out . . .
Very nice helmet. I used the Pro-Tec brand for a long time for kayaking and what ever activity that came up that required head protection. It is a very versatile pice of equipment. My helmet only went into retirement after I got a kevlar helmet to protect the noggen.
Hey Lolly,
Mom again here. Iam so glad you made it again to the fair. Iam sure seeing family and friends has alot to do with the excitement. Sounds like you all had a really great time. Of course Grandma has filled me in. You are so lucky to have her!
All this talk about helmets etc has me thinking. You know I am only 3 blocks away from REI in Seattle, so if you can think of anything I can pick up for your boys or any of my 12 grandchildren let me know. Now, the Skinner family has me thinking of Christmas too!
Micah can you believe this school year is almost halfway through? WOW! Then Graduation, WOW!
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