
don't ever forget it

beckam is a little torn. some days, he can't get over how big he's grown and will just
marvel at his height, strength and ability. he awakes so proud of how
much he grew in the night. a lot of his confidence as of late has come from his new
found skill of riding on TWO wheels. his bike has become his constant companion.
thankfully it's small and can travel easily with us. if only bike riding were allowed in
nursery, that would be another problem solved--until then we suffer through sunday.
but these are the moments I treasure:

today we were sitting on the couch together reading books before naptime
and in the middle of it and completely out of the blue, beckam says so sincerely,
"mom, I don't ever want to grow big. I don't ever want to grow so
big that you can't hold me anymore." so we made a deal. I'll just keep holding
him no matter how big he grows. even when he grows "really BIG," he promised.
beckam has been heard to pray, "Heavenly Father,
please bless that I don't grow too big so mommy can't hold me anymore."
the funny thing is that today I wasn't even holding him but he was enjoying the moment and the feeling--and so it was his realization that he didn't ever want to lose it.
it's a feeling I'm so familiar with as a mother. those moments with
my boys that I treasure and never want to lose. when I say, "beckam, please don't
grow up. don't grow so big that I can't hold you anymore." or "come here Jaden,
let me just hold you. I have to keep holding you as much as I can because one day
it will be the last day I hold you and I won't even know it and then you'll be too big.

more updates to come...


Heidi and Rich said...

Sweet and so true. We are lucky to have little boys in our life that want us to hold them. I am so glad to see you are back on the blog.

Anonymous said...

my oldest (son) of oh, 15 doesn't know the meaning of too big. if i ask him to let me hold him, he gladly comes over to me wherever i'm sitting and climbs on my lap. i wouldn't trade that feeling for anything...(hope he does it at 25 plus)

miss H Wiest said...

You are such a sweet cuddley sincere mom! I'll hold you any time! ps. My mom and I still give loves, you will always be loved by your cute kids!

Ashley said...

So happy to see a new post on your blog! Just yesterday I was watching Blaise carry on like a regular toddler and I realized he wasn't my baby anymore!! Luckily Rae still loves lots of cuddles and I hope Blaise never gets too big for his mommy.

Amanda said...

You completely made me cry with that post! I feel the same way about my babies - every time I pack away clothes they have grown out of I feel kind of sad. You are a very eloquent writer.

Alycat said...

that was so sweet. Beckam is such a good little guy.
It was so fun to see you a few weeks ago, thanks for coming over!

Ixchelle said...

My mom still ask me to sit on her lap and she holds me. I think it's great. Your children are so sweet Cheryl.

S. F. Philips said...

What a beautiful note for your boys.

We'll be in Davis this weekend at Picnic Day and we'll think of you!

My Many Coloured Days said...

So sweet. I know what you mean, and I feel the same way. I never imagined loving boys so much. You are a good mama.

Shoecrazy Sue said...

It does make you feel so bad to see them growing right before your eyes! Enjoy every (or most every) minute of it! My teenagers will still grab my hand when we are out shopping or come climb on my bed to chat at night. How lucky we are to have great moments to enjoy with our kids!

Stephanie said...

I love this post of yours Cheryl. Now, our Kai is almost 4 and I can remember when we were at TVA and Brayden was just a little guy running around there and looking for cats under cars! Time flies! BTW, I found your blog through another BYUH friend and it's been nice catching up on your family!

kiddle97 said...

Ah Cheryl, that was so sweet. Thanks for posting that. Dear sweet Beckam. We need to get together again soon; Mitch is always asking.

Anonymous said...
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laura said...

I confess. I read this post a couple days ago and have stollen your line. This made me realize I don't cuddle my kids enough, and soon enough, that chance will be gone. Thank you for getting me refocused on what is important. You are such an incredible mom.

Amy said...

Oh Cheryl, that is such a sweet and tender moment. Don't you wish you could just freeze certain moments in time?!

Amy said...

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“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.