
here we go again...

this is for you minna...

here are six non-important things/habits/quirks about me
(according to micah):
1. my level of tolerance is directly related to the condition of my house
2. i've lounged on nude beaches...clothed (sick voyeur) trying hard to look casual
3. i don't like waking up in the morning. i'm not grouchy but the waking up is painful (but not literally)
4. i like feeding my family healthy food at home. though i'm not afraid of an occasional splurge on the go.
5. i really LOVE my christmas cards (the ones with photos, i won't lie) and see no reason to take them down before april. i love seeing my friends on my wall everyday. maybe they'll remain indefinitely.
6. the hawaiian ocean spoiled me! i believe i've only been submersed in the sea once since we left over 5 years ago. i passionately detest cold water so if it's not newport in the summertime or hawaii, i'm on the sand!

laura, hilary, kim, alissa, shara and ames--you're it!!
respond to this question about yourself on your blog and then tag six others.


Heidi and Rich said...

It is always fun to learn new things about longtime friends!!

heymaughan said...

I still have my Christmas cards up too--and for all the same reasons. I was thinking I needed to take them down in February, but now you've inspired me. What's the hurry?

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.