
another recipe if i may and a cute beckam story

and i may since it is my blog. i like to share these because i'm always looking for new fast, healthy and most importantly delicious dinner ideas. it's not a real recipe it's more of a meal idea:

meatball sandwich
focaccia rolls (SO GOOD, trader joes), toasted

italian style (or turkey) frozen meatballs (trader joes), cooked

provolone cheese, melted on top

marinara sauce
(i just throw these ingredients in the blender and then heat on the stove: 2 T extra virgin olive oil, 1 small onion, 4 cloves garlic, 28 oz can stewed tomatoes, ½ t salt, ½ t black pepper and 10 fresh basil leaves (or dried or if you're my husband, you use cilantro instead of basil (on accident)--same difference, right? it still tasted great. i tell you he teaches me time and again that there really IS more than one right way to do things!)

cute beckam story
sometimes as a mother i wonder if my boys are learning anything i'm trying to teach them. and then there is a moment like this and i realize the answer is YES! asher can now reach the doors to the armoire, which houses the tv and he loves to exercise his new found skill of shutting the doors whenever they are open. unfortunately for him, they are only open when the tv is on and more unfortunately, his brothers do not appreciate him closing them while they are watching a show. so the other day, this very scene played out while i listened from the dining room. i hear the armoire door shut and turn my head to see what the repercussions will be. beckam walks over to asher, gently puts his hand on asher's cheek and quietly says, "asher...please don't shut the doors again, brother is trying to watch star wars." and best of all, asher listened!!
glory, glory hallelujah maybe they are learning something!


Mandee said...

the same scene plays out at our house... often. Only my boys don't respond as well behaved.

thanks for reminding me that as mothers, we teach by example.

Tara said...

so great.

Ixchelle said...

Good Job B! Way to use self control. You are such a good mom, Cheryl.

Amy said...

Of course they are learning! You are a great mother. I love how you teach your children the effect their action has on someone else. I'm always hearing kids get screamed at at the park and just have to sigh. Hey, and your recipe looks easy enough for ME to do to so I may try it. You know, part of my new year's resolution was to cook better, like Cheryl. So I've got to ease into it! I want to try the lettuce wraps too someday. Hey guess what?! Camille did my hair! I feel like a new person. Ya for Make-overs!

Amy said...

What a sweet little brotherly moment. I wish mine were so well trained.

My Many Coloured Days said...

Oh you are doing something right! Enjoy the moment and pray for more!

kiddle97 said...

Aoh! So sweet of Beckam! What a lovebug.

Brenna said...

Oh Cheryl, I LOVE your family photos! They are amazing! Of course your photographer did have beautiful subjects to work with.

I heart Beckam! Ever since he told me I was beautiful he had me wrapped!
All of the mommy micromanaging does occasionally have its rewards!!
Love it when that happens!

Shoecrazy Sue said...

What is greater to read about a new YUMMY recipe, or your ADORABLE boys? There is hope! I was ready to beat my 2 youngest after a fun FHE lesson on manners, they got into world war III (kicking each other) They both got grounded from anything with a mouse or remote!! I need valium on these days! Can I send them your way? Or on second thought, I am ready for a retreat at my favorite Monterey B & B!

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.