
how's that for a blog update.

i've never posted more than once in a day and today i'm going for 3. i'm doing it while I can, my record for frequency hasn't been great lately.

i just wanted to share the reward system we've been using that's actually worked for us (i mean that i have been consistent about) because it's easy. with summer time and all maybe it would work for you, too.
do not judge my artistic ability. i'm just posting the picture. is it self-explanatory enough? the little pictures are ideas of how they can earn tickets. only recently did i start writing chores on the tickets (after reading this) and i love it! the tickets taped under their name are those that have chores written on them. things like: make your bed, take out mom's bathroom trash, put a a new bag in mom's trash can, water the plants in pots in front, put away your laundry, read a book to mom, etc. otherwise, the tickets are just awarded at my discretion (and not awarded at all if they're asked for--I'm mean). like if they go to bed really good, if i see good problem solving or teamwork, if they help without being asked, etc. and i know you're not supposed to take away a reward they've earned and mostly i don't but i have a few times.

and here are the only pictures i've taken recently (i'll do better):

face crayons are awesome. and they love to do it themselves. it started off like this:
letting my kids just be kids sometimes helps me feel like a good mom (and some days, I need all the help i can get). and it usually involves getting messy. tomorrow i'm going to let them finger paint with shaving cream on a cookie sheet (thanks carrie). i'm forever grateful for woodland parent nursery school and teacher debbie. it would've been worth living in davis for 3 years even if that was the only thing we did there! it's scary to think what i'd be like as a mother without that foundation. as a parent, i worked there 2-3 times a month and had parent education classes 2x a month. it was invaluable. i'm sure i could use a refresher but at least i had the experience for 2 years!! i heart teacher debbie and the things she taught me about preschoolers and how to help them "talk it over," to use their imagination and get messy and how potty talk is okay when they're alone in the bathroom. they'll learn to read soon enough...like in kindergarten.


My Many Coloured Days said...

Oooooh - I love me a good chart and reward system! Looks great! And if it works and is simple to keep with - fabulous! Love the face crayons - never seen those. I'm jealous of what sounds like a wonderful preschool experience for you. Love some of the tips you expressed learning from Debbie. You should move closer to us!!!

Becca & Joel said...

I'll file this away in my mind for when our reward system starts to get boring. Thanks for the idea! Right now my boys earn tickets for doing the "extra mile" in our home. They have learned their daily chores, and know to do what they are asked each day above and beyond that (not that they always choose to obey!) but I'm awarding tickets for the EXTRA nice things they do around the house and for each other. It could be as simple as hapily obeying the first time, or helping a sibling without being asked, or for playing nicely without arguements, etc. Only Joel an I can decide if it earns a ticket, and if they toot their own horn for being extra good, they know they miss out on the ticket. These tickets are spent in my store - a tub of random items I've picked up on sale and priced in ticket amounts. I also get to re-load the tub with toys I find laying around after the boys were asked to clean them up - they have to "earn" them back with their tickets! I'm hoping this helps them not only become hard workers - but also helping them want to be all around nice people. So far, so good!

Amy said...

Good reward system! I have never seen or heard of face crayons. That looks like fun!
We love Disneyland and agree with your rules 100%
Happy late birthday to you as well!

kiddle97 said...

Hey, pass on the secrets! I think my kids are going to disown me soon...

Unknown said...

I was so excited to find your blog! I love the face paint crayons. Your 3 (last time we were in the same ward it was one!!) boys are so cute!!

heymaughan said...

Hey blogging queen, we are ready for more. Enough vacationing already, lets get crankin'!

Dasha said...

I think I may try this. We've gone through a few different ones with Spencer but nothing seems to stick. Love the face crayons. Where did you get them? Blogging is fun!!

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.