
so far I've been able to get out of weekly dr. visits since I drive 45 min. each way to the office and I have no risk factors but today that came to an end.

as the doc was feeling the position of the baby with a perplexed look on his face, he commented that he was head down but not very low yet. on previous appointments, he's been head down and quite low. hmmmmmmm.
then as the dr. moved his hands around to the top of my belly,
his perplexed look was explained:
"Oh, here is his head. your baby is breech."
he had me feel the rock hard mound that was his head just off to the right side of my belly. he then proceeded to push on his head to maneuver him back into position, which is a procedure I've always feared but thankfully, there was no pain involved. he must have been in the perfect position as he wasn't completely breech nor transverse but more at a 45 degree angle and rotated around nicely. the doc also said there must be plenty of fluid or it wouldn't have been so easy.

so my plea to you--
use whatever powers you possess to help this baby stay put!
a c-section at this point in my child bearing doesn't sound very appealing.

I'm optimistic. he has 3 weeks to get situated.
but it looks like I'll be making the drive for the next two weeks to check his status.


Alycat said...

We will be praying that he will stay in "position". Sorry you have to make those long drives, hopefully you are able to go when traffic isn't too bad!

Ashley said...

Stay put little man! Let your mama do it the good ol' natural way!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Oh you have my prayers! You may remember that Julia was breech and a c-section ensued and it has made doctors, hospitals and deliveries VERY annoying. Best of luck.

Jaime said...

Cheryl I don't know if you remember me but I saw your blog on Mandees blog and loved reading about your little family. Congrats on the baby to come. You look so great I can't believe you are about to deliver! Tell your hubby hello from the Urmstons! Hope you don't mind if I read from time to time! Jaime

Anonymous said...

I'm crossing my fingers for you.

Kim Simpson said...

I am so happy for you taht your "turning" of the baby went well. I am a big baby I made them give me an epidural when they turned one of mine. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

laura said...

You are one tough woman. I have never heard a "baby turning" sound so casual. Any type of pushing on my belly would hurt me. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Ben and Shara said...

Wiley was breech and they tried to turn him and that part was the most painful part of the whole situation.
I had almost no water, he came c-section because he would not move.

Good luck. I actually didn't mind the c-section, it only the recovery that is longer. I'll pray for you.

Mandee said...

Good luck! I am so anxious for you! And so jealous... having a new baby is the best.

Bluebell said...

Yikes! Stay put, baby! I'll keep you in my prayers. Sounds like you picked the right doctor, at least. You might check out this website, and this one. Good luck!

David and Amanda said...

I know very little about giving birth...so good luck. You're a pro now, I'm sure everything will go fabulously!

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

thanks nicole.