(instead of me hauling them all off to the freebie bin in the laundry room. he made $90!--which did include the sale of the Power Wheels Jeep for $50--I know it's a steal of a deal but the two front tires were completely cracked down the middle from so much lovin'! AND it went to a good home)
or meeting us at the gymnastics studio for open-gym, or at Central Park for a double decker bus ride, or the REC pool for a swim, or a picnic at the park, you know what I'm talking about?!
We'll miss the millions of these adorable little hatch-lings that grace the grounds of Solano Park every year, despite the terrible messes they leave in our breezeway:
there are spots like this all over town that you just might stumble upon as your strolling along.
so why are we leaving in the next few days for 3 weeks before our BIG move?
To give my beloved husband some uninterrupted, guilt-free, quality, hard-core study time before THE BAR because we really want him to pass the 1st time so he doesn't have to suffer through this again.
actually, he's not suffering at all. he ENJOYS it?! YES!
and is looking forward to the exam. weird, I know.
I've realized recently that he's the KING of positive. enjoys studying? never criticizes. not even really bad movies, he just appreciates the entertainment. he never hates anything (nor does he commit to favorites. I guess he wouldn't want to insult the others. whatever it might be: movie, drink, dessert, etc.). I suppose you could say we're exact opposites in this regard.
I think I have a LOVE/HATE opinion about everything.
micah teaches me a lot about myself and I'm slowly improving from his example. don't worry, I've already admitted it to him.
we'll have a lot of work ahead of us when we return with a week and a half to pack and get out of here.
during my three weeks in bakersfield, my mom and I will be treking to monterey to find someplace for us to live and we'll be spending time with family and getting caught up with friends we don't usually get to see because of short trips so you might not hear from me for awhile.
but you might.
it's been 2 years and the only thing I don't miss about that place is the summer heat. Still love everything else!
Glad you've enjoyed your stay... where are you off to next?
I hate to say it, but I still question leaving Davis and it was a year ago! I often refer to it as Zion. What an amazing place.
However, you will love your new spot as well. It's all about making yourself at home somewhere.
I hear you Cheryl. I know Davis will miss you to. We sure love the nisson family
nilsson family
We'll sure miss you and I don't want to leave Davis.But I know the day will come...and I'm already sad to think about but, we got to do what we got to do.At least you are moving to Monterrey and not Idaho..lol
GOod luck on your move! Its never fun to leave a place you love. On to new memories and new adventures. P.S. I lvoe the way you and Micah talk/ write about each other. It is really quite refreshing!
Well, we are certainly glad you are coming here. Let me know if you need help finding a place. We are mostly moved in and I can help scout something. A friend of mine told me about a great place in PG. It's a 2 bedroom if you are considering that. Let me know.
Wow, I can't believe that it's time for you to leave there! It's hard and exciting all at the same time! Sorry I didn't get to you sooner with a reply..it's been pretty crazy here, but I am back to the blogging. We are LOVING Seattle. We live just about 2 miles from the temple here! I jog by it every morning. A good reminder in my day! You take care and I do miss you. I'm sorry we didn't get together before I left. IT was pretty sudden! I just wanted to add your boys are so beautiful! Good luck with the thrid one!
Hope your boxing and moving is coming along. That is always sooooo much work. I am going to miss Davis for you and I have only seen it once! We really hoped to get up there this summer- but we have a new two hour maximum driving limit with Mr.Cairo, so next summer it is. (Except it will be Monterrey.) Glad you were more ambitious than us and made it down here! We love you guys!
Where ya been Cheryl?
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